If you’re looking for how to Plant Microgreens Successfully in your home, you’ve come to the right place.
If you have your materials, set up and the need to plant tasty and healthy microgreens, planting is the next step. But how do you plant such tiny seeds for success?
Planting microgreens is actually a straightforward process and you can enjoy a fresh harvest in just a few weeks.
In this post, I’ll share:
* The best seed and materials needed for planting
* An easy to follow step-by-step guide on how to plant microgreens successfully
* Management and care of your little seedlings from planting to germination and beyond.
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Materials Needed to Plant Microgreens:
- Seeds: Choose high-quality, untreated of the best microgreen seeds to plant. Some seeds are small while others are larger. Popular seed varieties include broccoli microgreens, radish microgreens, pea shoots, arugula, sunflower microgreens, and baby kale.
- Growing Medium: The medium is the bed where the seeds will be planted. The quality of the medium will be a huge factor in how well germination rates will be. Select a soilless growing medium or potting mix suitable for microgreens. Examples include coco coir, peat moss-based mixes, or specialized microgreen growing pads. You can even use water and grow hydroponic microgreens.
- Trays or Containers: Use shallow seedling trays, flats, or containers with drainage holes. The size depends on the quantity of microgreens you want to grow. Since you’re just growing small young plants, the shallow tray is a good choice for personal use.
- Watering Tools: Have a spray bottle or fine mist nozzle for gentle watering. It’s important to keep the medium moist as you grow. I’ll explain why humidity is important later on.
7 Steps From Planting to Germination:
Planting microgreens is a simple and rewarding process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
- Prepare Growing Trays:
- Fill the trays with the chosen growing medium, leaving about half an inch from the top of the soil line. Lightly press down to create a firm but not compacted surface.
- Sow Seeds:
- Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the surface of the growing medium. For smaller seeds, like broccoli or radish, a light covering of soil or vermiculite can be applied. Press them down gently to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.
- Watering:
- Mist the seeds thoroughly with water using a spray bottle. Ensure that the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged.
- Covering Seeds (Optional):
- Cover the trays with a clear lid or another tray to create a mini-greenhouse effect during the germination stage. This helps maintain humidity and encourages seed germination.
- Germination:
- Place the trays in a well-lit area. While direct sunlight is ideal, you can also use artificial grow lights. Maintain a temperature between 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C) for optimal germination.
- Remove Cover:
- Once the seeds have germinated, remove the cover to promote air circulation. Continue to water as needed to keep the soil consistently moist.
- Provide Adequate Light:
- Microgreens require sufficient light for healthy growth. If growing indoors, position them near a sunny south-facing window, sunny windowsill or use grow lights for about 12-16 hours a day. Good light is important so if you have to add in artificial light, an LED Grow Light will add in enough light.
More Tips for Planting Microgreens:
- Choose Appropriate Varieties: Experiment with different microgreen varieties to discover your preferences. Some varieties may have different growth rates and flavors.
- Maintain Consistent Moisture: Regularly check the moisture level in the growing medium. Avoid letting it dry out completely, but also prevent waterlogging.
- Rotate Trays: Rotate trays regularly to ensure even exposure to light and promote uniform growth.
- Monitor Temperature: Maintain a suitable temperature for germination and growth. Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations.
- HUMIDITY & CIRCULATION. Sufficient air circulation can be provided with fans to prevent pest and disease issues. The flats of microgreens need to be kept moist but not overly wet. Some growers use bottom-watering methods to minimize soil splashing, which can also help to produce a cleaner finished product.
What is the Best Potting Mix for Microgreens?
For a simple setup of seeds, you’ll need a great medium. This includes a good potting soil.
A popular one to use is the coconut coir-based Potting Soil for microgreens. This is because it allows for the perfect amount of water uptake without staying too wet. Also, the microgreens root quickly into the growing media allowing the young plant to anchor and absorb nutrients as the plant grows. it’s just about the easiest way to set up your favorite microgreens for success.
Do I need to Soak Microgreens Before Planting?
It’s not important to soak microgreens before planting. Most of the microgreen seeds do not require any treatment – especially small seeds. The only difference would be if the seed is larger or a hard seed shell, such as sunflower seeds. The germination process may be quicker if those harder seeds are pre-soaked in water.
If you do choose to soak, dump into water and soak overnight for 8-12 hours.
What is the Secret to Growing Microgreens?
There is no secret and growing microgreens is NOT rocket science.
However an important step to growing microgreens is planting them and watching them germinate. For that to happen, a quality set up and environment is needed for the seeds to do their job and grow into tiny plants that will be your own microgreens.