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I hear you. Trying to fit wellness into your life.  

Wellness is a priority no matter who you are or what you do.

How little we could get done if we couldn’t move free and easy?

How little we could lift in our day if we weren’t strong.

How small we could grow if we were weak.

Why should you be well in your mind and body?

I stay in shape so I can live and keep up with a balanced life. My day-to-day schedule changes constantly. I work the land, care for our farmstead, and keep up with my girls.

As Matt, the girls and I grow as a farm and as a family, there is more work to be done to get where we want to be. So many more years to push on and change for the better. So many barriers to get in the ways of our goals.

So many reasons to put others needs before yourself.

We want more land to grow our farm but it is so expensive. We want more machinery and livestock but we don’t have enough land. There are things to do today, but it is so cold outside. I want to go to the gym, but an animal needs to go to the vet. We both want to get a good night sleep, but our baby girl is sick and wants me to hold her all night long. All are necessary obstacles that get in the way of our growth.

The key to wellness

The key is to find the balance. I know. You’ve tried and tried and you’re just not finding it.

Planning helps with this, but it’s all about prioritizing day by day. I love making lists and scheduling my day as much as I can.

Prioritize the most important tasks first, then continue on down to the final task of the day.

I would love to help you find the balance you’re looking for. CLICK HERE for all my tips on finding balance and living well.

The worst thing you could do it quit

If you’re like me, you keep pushing. And running. And fighting through the obstacles that try to hold you back. You find a way to meet your goals. You go to the gym at 5 a.m. or work out at home. You carry water bottles.

You stay up and talk until you can figure out the barriers holding you back. A healthy balanced life requires a healthy empowered mindset as well.

Wellness is so much more than fitness and healthy on the outside! To balance wellness, you must have a good head on your shoulders. A positive mindset will keep you running to the finish. It will keep you from quitting.

Healthy relationships play a big part in it as well.  My family and I are a team, but we have other teammates as well to make it all work.

When meeting our own needs, it’s important to find a balance between work, play, growth and wellness. Just getting it all in is the tough part.

I can help you find that balance. I’m here for you. Contact me with any questions you may have or if you just want to chat.

~ Much Love ~
