Are you nervous about the new baby homecoming?
New baby homecoming can be exciting and overwhelming. You might feel ready, but are you really?
At home, you’re on your own. In the hospital, the nurses helped you with your baby at night when you wanted to rest.
Welcome home to reality. It’s time to learn to balance a new baby’s schedule with your own.
A new baby homecoming does not have to be stressful. Here are five tips for an easier new baby homecoming.
Know your needs
A new parent’s needs are important, too.
As a new parent, you have to take care of yourself before you can care for anyone or anything else.
A woman’s body post labor has just been through a lot. It needs to recover, too.
Listen to the advice of your medical care providers. Don’t lift too much. Be sure to eat well and drink plenty of water.
As you begin to recover at home, you will find you’ll be a better mother because of it.
Accept help from others
I know you’re strong-minded like me. Asking for help just isn’t in your vocabulary.
But, this time asking for help is necessary. Your body has just been through a majorly hard whirlwind of changes.
It’s not the strong body it was before labor. Your body needs recovery time.
If someone asks if they can help, accept it with open arms.
I’m truly lucky to have an amazing husband to care for pretty much everything. Not only is he taking care of me, but our two year old, meals, housework, and the farm work as well.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have that kind of support system. But, I guarantee you’re not alone in this world. You do have friends and family willing to help you during this new adjustment period.
It’s more important to care for your body first before you can care for anyone else.
Fuel your body
Eat healthy food and drink plenty of water. This is an important step towards your body’s recovery.
Don’t worry just yet about losing that baby weight. It will come off when your body is ready for the next new change.
Instead, focus on your body’s healthy recovery. If you’re nursing like I am, you’ll need plenty of good nutrients to make milk to fill your baby’s needs.
Focus on your healthy body for a healthy baby.
Try to get plenty of rest
That first night is a doozy. It can be a rude awakening for a new mom.
I had it easy in the hospital.
In the hospital, baby slept so well. Plus, the night nurses offered to take her to the nursery for me while I slept.
At home, that is not the case. Especially the first night where very little sleep occurs for both mom and baby.
Someone may offer to help you get through the first night or longer.
Take that help that is offered to you and use it to rest up. The health and well-being of yourself, your new baby and your family depends on you getting the rest you need to function.
Getting plenty of rest is the key to finding the adjustment and balance in this new life.
Find one thing to do for yourself
What’s one hobby you can do for yourself, if only for a few minutes each day?
For me, it’s this blog. Writing is my outlet. It calms me to release words from my head in hopes that they can help someone like you.
For you, that one things could be as simple as just taking a shower. Or going outdoors for just a few minutes.
Whatever it may be, find time for it and do it for yourself as much as you can.
Welcome home, new baby!
A new baby homecoming can be stressful for everyone, but especially for you.
Accept the help, I can’t stress this enough. It’s about delegating tasks that may not be as important as your health or the bonding time you need with your new baby.
But, don’t forget to do something for yourself. Take care of yourself before you can take care of your new little bundle of joy.
Balancing these 5 tips will help you find the joy and love needed for a healthy and happy family.
~ Much Love ~
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Become Frugal During Hard Times | Farm Fit Living
Tuesday 10th of October 2017
[…] been one to buy things for myself. But I have a big problem when I go into a farm store, pet store, baby or toy store “just to look […]