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Rural Summer Fun for Families

Who says there’s no such thing as rural summer fun? 

Rural summer fun means spending quality time with family making memories and traditions.

Summer is my favorite season. Many traditions make me think of rural summer fun. S’more’s, BBQ’s, Swimming parties, and county fairs are only a few family friendly summer fun activities.

Here are my top 5 rural summer fun activities for your family.

Rural Summer Fun

Go Fishing

The lazy days of summer kicks off one of the laziest sports out there…Fishing!

I remember many Summer evenings and early mornings with my fishing rods, bait and even a few Cottonmouth snakes. Ahh, the memories.

I learned that the best earthworms can be found under a hay bale in wet shady soil. I remember seeing the rods moving indicating a fish on the hooks. There were also many times we threw the fish back because they were too small.

But, we did eat our fair share of fish. So delicious!

If you fish on your own pond or have permission from someone who owns a pond in a pasture, you don’t even have to have a fishing permit. However, you do need a permit if you’re fishing in a larger lake or river. Check with your State to see what the rules are pertaining to fishing permits.

If the fishing is rough and the weather is hot, it’s ok. The water is there, so jump on in.

Attend a Rodeo

Is the heat making you feel like jumping on a bucking bull? Attend the local rodeo with the family.

Let the little ones try mutton bustin. This is an sheep riding event for young ones. Whoever stays on their sheep the longest wins. It may sound scary at first, but it’s super cute. The kids love it.

There might also be a boot scramble event for the older kids. This is where shoes are thrown in a pile in the center of the arena. All the kids line up at the end and race to the shoe pile. They have to find both shoes, put them on and race to the finish. It’s fun to watch them scrambling for their shoes.

Then, watch the professionals ride the bucking broncs, barrels and bulls. Don’t forget to try the local food available. Our local rodeo has kettle corn that is to die for.

Sometimes a small town rodeo is entertainment for part of a local small town festival or county fair. Wow! More fun to have all at once!

Visit a Small Town Festival or County Fair

All this fun requires a lot of creative planning. Rural people are great at thinking outside the box.

This is why small town festivals and fairs are awesome. You never know what you will find at one. Racing pigs? Cheerleader dunk tank? Fun Run? Live local music? I could go on and on.

My family and I hop from one county fair and festival to another each summer because not one is the same. And every single festival has at least one prime event that puts them on the map.

Another reason I love small town festivals and fairs is seeing friends, family and acquaintances in a casual setting. It’s all about having a good time and enjoying the good life.

Visit a U-Pick Fruit Farm

Another casual setting spot I like to venture to is a U-Pick Fruit Farm. Our favorite one has blueberries ready the end of June every year. Mylee and I love to get there early to pick all we want.

It’s quiet and peaceful. The berries are fresh and delicious. There’s no rushing or lines. We do make sure we take our sun screen.

I love supporting U-Pick fruit farms because they are backyard businesses. Entrepreneurs who love what they do, but love sharing with others even more.

If you can’t make it to the fruit farm, there’s a chance you can still find what you want at the local farmer’s market. You’ll still be supporting that local business who works hard to grow the produce you desire.


Taking fresh fruit along on a camping trip sounds like a great idea!

RV or hard core tent dwelling aside, camping is an awesome activity for the whole family. What could be more fun than finding an off-grid spot away from the world?

Take some games, toys and food along for some entertainment. Pack hobbies and books for down time and relaxation. Don’t forget the bug spray, sunscreen and swim suit when you find that cool swimming hole during the heat of the day.

Rural Summer Fun

Enjoy a rural vacation this summer

Whatever activity you decide to do with your family this summer, rural summer fun activities will make memories for life.

What other rural summer fun activities can you think of? 

~ Much Love ~

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Samara Thiessen

Wednesday 1st of June 2016

I grew up in a small town so can relate to every thing listed on this list! Some of the BEST parts about summer AND small towns :) Great ideas!!

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Wednesday 1st of June 2016

Great, Samara! Small town summers are awesome! It's the little events and activities that make them so awesome. Lots of memories made!

Carmen Gomez

Tuesday 31st of May 2016

I have two little girls and summer time is coming up which means lots of outdoor play time and activities, I'm looking forward to doing some of these activities with them!

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Wednesday 1st of June 2016

Great, Carmen! Enjoy the Summer!

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