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Wondering what happens when chickens outgrow their pen or brooder? Well, they get a new pen, of course. It’s super important for chickens at any stage to have plenty of room so they don’t start to peck on one another. If you jump start chicks in a brooder, they’re going to grow fast. So fast …

Read More about When Chickens Outgrow Their Pen: Three Things that Must Happen

Ready to raise your own chicken for meat? Here’s how to jump start baby chicks to give them a healthy life. This is something fun that my family and I have done for years. Raising our own chickens to meet our our protein needs has been a fulfilling and very worthwhile practice. Of course, our …

Read More about Cute, Fluffy & Yellow: 5 Steps to Jump Start Baby Chicks

Looking for an easy way to humanely harvest meat birds? Humanely harvest meat birds in just four easy peasy steps. Why? Because having your own fresh home raised chicken in your freezer is so worth it. Each year, we feed about 25 chickens for eight weeks and then harvest them ourselves. Here’s a week by week …

Read More about 4 Easy Steps to Humanely Harvest Meat Birds