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10 Nutrients Beef Contains that Help New Moms Bounce Back

Did you know there are 10 nutrients beef contains working together for a great cause? 

10 nutrients beef contains actually help new moms recover after labor. Eating beef helps new moms find strength and proper nutrients to fuel their bodies for recovery. Eating lean beefy meals also helps new moms lose the dreaded baby weight.

Beef zaps baby weight so fast. I’m honest proof. I gained 80 extra pounds of baby weight with both my girls. After they were born, HALF of that extra weight was gone in just three weeks time.

I also recovered almost completely within those three weeks. And I owe it that quick recovery to eating a beef-rich diet almost every single day.

10 Nutrients Beef Contains

How eating beef helps a new mom bounce back

Labor and delivery can take a major toll on a new mom’s body. Along with little to no sleep, it can be difficult to find the strength needed to care for a new little one. Not to mention caring for older children as well!

New mom’s must take care of themselves along with their new babies. A healthy mom equals a healthy and happy baby. Proper nutrition is ideal for a new mom to replace nutrients for the strength she needs to care for herself and her family.

Beef is an easy and delicious source for many nutrient requirements new moms need. Here are the 10 main nutrients in beef that help new moms bounce back.

Protein helps the muscles recover. 

A 3-ounce serving of beef contains nearly half the daily requirement of protein. Protein is important for the repair and rebuild of muscles.

Most new mom’s feel weak after labor. A high-protein diet helps to rebuild and repair muscles and strength.

I lifted weights until I was 39 weeks pregnant with my second daughter. But, my muscles and body still felt weak after labor and delivery. It took a month until I was feeling like myself again.

Iron helps the body use more oxygen via hemoglobin.

During labor, new moms lose a large amount of hemoglobin from blood and fluid. Beef is a great way for new moms to replace the iron needed in their bodies.

Choline and Vitamins B6 and B12 will help a new mom think more clearly by maintaining the nervous system and brain function.

A strong mind promotes a strong body. A strong body promotes movement and productivity.

Selenium protects good cells from damage. Healthy cells are needed to keep the body running at it’s best.

Riboflavin helps to convert food into the fuel needed for energy. This helps the new mom start to get back into shape.

Niacin supports energy and metabolism, which helps to zap that unwanted baby weight quicker.

The “Big 10” nutrients beef contains work together to promote total body recovery for a new mom. Soon, the new mom will be back in shape and fueled for running again.

Eating beef helps new moms

Finding Energy Again

A new mom usually has a minimum of six weeks before she can start to be active again. During this time, she has many new adjustments to her routine.

Along with adjustments to her life, her body is adjusting to big changes, too. Nutrients are needing replaced and hormones are returning to their normal state.

Eating beef helps new moms recover these lost nutrients within the six week recovery period. It definitely is a good idea to accomplish light cardio exercise, such as walking to get a jump start on getting back into shape.

It may take some time for the post partum body to recover, but a diet of lean beef can play a major factor in finding that road to recovery. All thanks to the 10 nutrients beef contains.

10 Nutrients Beef Contains

Eat Beef

You might be that new mom. Or you might be close with a new mom wondering when she will be able to find that energy again.

The energy can come from the 10 nutrients beef contains. It is packed with nutrients. Lean beef cuts are the perfect protein to headline any new mom’s meal.

A strong mind fuels a strong body. Eating beef helps new moms find their strength again with the right nutrition to bounce back.

~ Much Love ~

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Most new mom’s feel weak after labor. A high-protein diet helps to rebuild and… – keto

Sunday 29th of July 2018

[…] Most new mom’s feel weak after labor. A high-protein diet helps to rebuild and repair…… […]

Ultimate Beef Grilling Guide for Delicious Steaks and Burgers

Saturday 26th of May 2018

[…] Read more about the Top 10 nutrients in Beef here […]

Sandy Segur

Sunday 15th of May 2016

I didn't know this. I have always preferred lean meat over other cuts.

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