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5 Goals To Achieve In March

As we bid February a big farewell, we can smell the scent of spring arriving in March.

Sadly, it is still winter for just a few more weeks and we have to endure the cold weather for just a bit longer. Along with that, I feel like the cold weather has brought me down into a slump. I’ve been feeling unmotivated and lazy about exercise, my homesteading goals and even homeschooling. So, I have recognized those slumps and have made five goals for myself to achieve in March.

Here’s my 5 goals to achieve in March:

1. I am longing to start some bee hives. The local community college has a bee chat group meeting once a month and I will go to my first meeting this month. I’m hoping to learn how to start hives and basic beekeeping skills.

2. I’m going to be selling my goat kids soon and in a whole new way. All my customers will be coming to my open house at the end of the month to pick up their kids and take them home. They will be going to great homes! I’m hoping this will be an easier way for me to connect with my customers as well as allowing them a day to plan to come to our farm to take their kids home that day. They will even get some refreshments! 🙂 I’m looking forward to it and I hope it goes well.

spring girls

3. I want to spend more time doing fun activities with Farm Fit Girl this month. The local community college has an event called Kindermusik Sign & Sing. It sounds like so much fun. The kids will get to play musical instruments and dance. We’ve never been to anything like this before and it sounds like a blast.

In case you didn’t know, she and I have been doing parent-tot gymnastics classes since January. We will continue to participate in these classes as well. She has learned balance, rolls, and to grip a bar. We will be working on learning her cartwheels soon.

Rugged Maniac

Rugged Maniac 2014

4. The weather has been so incredibly cold and snowy lately. Running outside (in workout clothes and running shoes, not coveralls and boots) just has not been happening. I’m not big on excuses, but the main reasons is it has been so cold. As the weather gets warmer, you will find me outside more and I hope to be up to three miles again in March.

5. I will start going to church again and I will take Farm Fit Girl with me. It’s time for her to learn more about God and Jesus, especially with Easter right around the corner. I also want her to learn the bed time prayer I learned as a child so we will start saying that each night, too.


~Much Love~



Tuesday 24th of March 2015

Best of luck to you on your goals! Having an open house for your buyers is a great idea! Please share with us on how it goes.

I have been lax in my goals this winter and hope that the approach of spring will bring me back some needed motivation. I seem to function better when the weather is warmer too.

Many blessings to you and your family! Laurie - Country Link

Farm Fit Mama

Thursday 26th of March 2015

Thanks, Laurie! I hope it goes well, too. I have not been doing well on the church goal, but I plan to definitely go to church on Easter! I will be doing my April goals this week. :)


Tuesday 17th of March 2015

I LOVE your goals! I love that you put them down in writing too! That turns wishes into action! My best friend and her hubby have dived into bee keeping. Every jar is like gold! I love your recommitment to church. We all need to remember that God is just waiting on us to come closer, He has never stepped away from us, ,right? Thank you for sharing with us over at Country Fair Blog Party! I can not wait to read your next chapter in April! Jan

Farm Fit Mama

Wednesday 18th of March 2015

Thanks so much, Jan! You are right, God is always there! As a young farmer, we have been faced with so many obstacles and God is so great. He truly leads us through the darkness to find the light. I'm so excited to start bees! I have a lot to learn about it and I think attending bee chats and finding some helpful people will pay off in the end. I have gained some mentors the past few weeks who said they would love to help me get started. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to talk with you again soon!

Val - Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids

Monday 16th of March 2015

Great goals! My kids and I go to a music program in the summer at the Surf Ballroom and they have a blast. We also just made some guitars and drums out of old boxes and oatmeal containers earlier this winter and then traveled to the local instrument shop to see the real deal.

And I love your faith goals! My kids' favorite part of bedtime prayers is at the end when they ask God to bless family and friends. It can sometimes last a long time them naming off everyone and everything they'd like to ask God's blessing on, but it make me and my husband smile.

Farm Fit Mama

Tuesday 17th of March 2015

Thanks for the comments! Making our own instruments is a great idea. I'm working on saying the bedtime prayer with my daughter and she's doing pretty good. It's a great feeling when kids pick up on things.

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