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How To Illuminate Small Business Goals with ABC’s of Management

Do you wonder how you can illuminate small business goals to help make your business shine above the rest?

Illuminate small business goals by reworking them according to the ABC’s of business management.

You probably have short-term, medium-term and long-term goals associated with your business. If you don’t have those goals written down, you should. How can your business grow when there are no milestones to meet?

With that said, there are three things you should always keep in mind when writing and refining those business goals. Seeing the light of good business management can really help your business grow into a successful one.

For a successful business, you should simply know your ABC’s. Illuminate small business goals by writing goals based on the following three tasks.

In no particular order, the ABC’s of business management are three important factors for growing small businesses to thrive:

  1. Act According to Needs
  2. Be Available
  3. Care About Customers

illuminate small business goals

Act According to Needs

What does your community need? What do your customers need? What does your business need in order to grow and thrive?

These are questions to act upon according to the plans and goals of your business. You can then rework those goals based upon those needs.

Some needs are obvious to see. But other needs may not be so obvious. How can you find out those needs to better your business goals and enrich your community service?

For example: If your business has three Mexican restaurants already, do they really need your fourth one? How could your restaurant shine through for your community’s needs?

Maybe your restaurant could specialize in Italian cuisine or a small-town grill.

When you understand your community needs and how to you can help, you can act accordingly to those needs. You will illuminate small business goals like never before. The light bulb comes on. With action, comes change and growth. Now, you just need to prove you’re there for your customers.

Be Available

Business owners who aren’t available to their customers lose them very quickly. When customers leave, the business loses less and less shine. Businesses will grow weak and eventually die. People aren’t talking about businesses in a positive way when they are not available.

So, be available. Know what hours your key customers can have easy access to your business. Let them know how they can get a hold of you successfully and timely. Business cards with all this information can be very rewarding.

Your customers will appreciate the hours and availability you set up for them. They will thank you for your service to them by utilizing your services and products more and more.

Business owners who are available to their customers prove that the business owners care deeply about them. Illuminate small business goals by becoming more available to your customers.

Care about customers

Customers drive business profits. If you don’t have anyone to buy your product, you won’t have a business.

Be approachable to your customers. Answer their questions thoughtfully and with charisma. Present them with the best services, products and content. When you are approachable to your customers, they will trust you and keep coming back to you for more.

And they will tell their friends about you, too. You will be highly recommended. Your good name will continue to spread through your community and beyond.

A good business owner must never put profits first. They should never ever be putting money before customers’ needs. Of course, business owners should evaluate the worth of their work and act accordingly.

But growing a customer base should be first and foremost. That’s what goals should be written around. Customer growth is what grows the business year after year.

So, allow for discounts, giveaways and referrals. Your customers will thank you by bringing more in and giving more to you than you give to them. Especially if they are happy with what you have to offer them.

Happy customers equal a thriving business. If your goals revolve around caring for your customers first, your business will thrive.

illuminate small business goals

Know your ABC’s

If you can act according to your community needs, your business will thrive. Be available to your customers and their needs. By putting others before yourself, you will add customers and your business will grow.

Finally, you must care about those customers with all your heart. Your customers are your supporters and will help you illuminate small business goals.

Always remember this: A great business is one that thrives according to others’ needs. Re-establish your well-written goals to center around those customers who will help you by bringing more customers in.

Act upon the needs of the business to provide more. In no particular order, the ABC’s of business management will help your business to shine above all the rest.

~ Much Love ~


5 Reasons to Shop Local

Wednesday 22nd of November 2017

[…] local. I truly believe it’s an important part of the holiday season. Many small businesses really count on extra income from the holiday shopping season to “make it.” If they aren’t supported, these […]

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