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5 Things I Learned In My First Blogging Year

It’s so hard to believe on November 5, I will be celebrating my first “bloggiversary”.  In other words, the first anniversary of my first blog post.

As I look back to last year, I think about everything I have learned this year about blogging, my audience, and myself. I’ve learned so many tips and tricks from so many different people from all walks of life who put their ideas and skills out there in order to help others learn the trade of blogging.

Sage and Si

Although I’ve probably learned one million things in the past year, here are the top five things I learned in my first blogging year.

  1. I never thought I would change my brand the first year.

    The original name of my blog and vlog was Farm Fit Mama. After researching, studying, and thinking on my own, I questioned if Farm Fit Mama would be sustainable in the next 25 years. I do plan to blog that long, God willing.

    It happened halfway into year one. After polling some of my readers and blogging friends, it was decided I remodel my platform. I was worried it would be a long process; however, it was fairly simple with the help of my host GoDaddy. I did have to change all my social media names and reconnect my links and Google Adsense, but I’m comfortable with my decision to change my brand.


  2. I can turn my blog into a platform?

    Michael Hyatt came into my life as my virtual mentor and life coach. He was talking about online platforms and I became interested. I liked how I could create my own platform to express my message. It was as if I could have control. I’m currently reading Michael’s book entitled Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.

    I have been playing around with videos and YouTube, which I have found editing to take up a lot of extra time. However, I do feel video can be a game changer when reaching a different audience who may or may not be reading my blog. I have taken a break from video, but I do plan to return to video soon.

    Another aspect of the platform I’d like to try someday is podcasting. I’m learning about it right now and I have some ideas for future podcasts. I think podcasting is a venue I can explore down the road after video and blogging has been mastered.

    Bloom Where You Are Planted

  3. Network, Network, Network.

    Promote, promote promote content on social network and within networking groups. This is so important in order to become noticed.

    I learned when I wrote my first post, it was going to be difficult for people to find and notice me. But, when I shared my posts via social media, I began to gain a readership and people even wrote comments under my posts. I actually felt as though people were reading my content, which made me feel very successful.

    First Vlog

  4. My content is special and unique

    I have never wanted to be like anyone else. I’ve always tried to be unique and creative in my own rite.

    There is something, though, about a competitive world. It can make a person feel like they have to be doing what the successful people are doing to succeed.

    I have felt this way a few times this year, but I have always worked to put myself back on track. Several virtual mentors to help me do this: Darren Rowse, Sarah Titus, Kat Lee and numerous others. Even though I don’t know them personally, I felt they were talking to me in a positive way that motivated me. They helped ME believe in me.

    In My First Blogging Year

  5. If I believe in myself, I will achieve my goals.

    There’s many people who snub their nose up to the idea of having a blog and making an income from it.

    While I haven’t seen astounding income yet, I’ve been learning and trying ways to achieve an income. I feel the best years are coming and as I keep sliding forward, I will eventually find traction to pull me upwards. I’ve seen this happen to so many of my blogging friends and I know it’s possible.

    Life's Precious Lessons


1. Life’s Precious Lessons Start at Home

2. 7 Ways to Fit Exercise into Summer 

3. Top 5 Fat Burning Foods My Farm Produces

4. How to be “Not Busy”

5. Celebrating an All-American Rural Girl


Thanks to all of you who have made my first year of blogging fun, educational, and an enjoyable experience. 

~Much Love~


The Alder Collective Link Party #5 - Harmony & Happiness

Wednesday 4th of November 2015

[…] The most clicked link from last week:5 Things I Learned In My First Blogging Year […]

The Alder Collective Link Party #5 - Harmony & Happiness

Wednesday 4th of November 2015

[…] The most clicked link from last week:5 Things I Learned In My First Blogging Year […]

Kelsie Kleinmeyer

Monday 2nd of November 2015

Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with The Alder Collective!! Love these tips and great ideas.

Elizabeth Spencer

Friday 30th of October 2015

Congratulations on your blog birthday! I'm still working my way toward that mark for all practical purposes and appreciate you sharing your hard-earned wisdom! Blessings on year #2...stopping by from The Alder Collective!

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Monday 2nd of November 2015

Thanks, Elizabeth! Achieving that first anniversary is an awesome feeling. Good luck to you!

The Haunted Housewife

Thursday 29th of October 2015

Yay, happy blogiversary! I also rebranded pretty early after launching, it was worth it though! :)

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Thursday 29th of October 2015

Thank you! It wasn't too bad and I really think this will help me to blog past mommy-hood. :)

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