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100 Posts: A Look Into My Second Year of Blogging

I made it to my goal of 100 posts just in time for my one year bloggiversary. It’s truly hard to believe it’s been one year.

As I look back on year one, I think about why I started this venture and my learning along the way. The biggest reason for starting a blog has been for my family, but also for me to share my passions with others in the online world. Here’s a link to my very first blog post.

So much has changed over the past year and now, I’m ready for year number two.

Here’s a look into my second year of blogging:

  1. More posts. My goal for year #2 is to write 200 posts in one year. I’ve gotten my feet wet in this crazy blogging world and now I am ready to provide more information and education to you and others.
  2. Actually using my email list. Did you know I have an email list? You can subscribe to my email list via the hellobar at the top of HOMEPAGE.I have not decided how I plan to use my email list, besides letting you know about new posts on the blog or videos on YouTube. One thing I know I will never ever do is email you every single day. I know that can get to be a bit much.

    I’m thinking every other day at the most, but every week at the least. I definitely want to provide you with useful information and content. I’d love to hear your suggestions about how often or what content you want to see in your email inbox.

  3. Baby #2 is coming! At the time of this post, I am 18 weeks along. I know I haven’t actually announced it to you yet, but I will make a formal announcement soon along with week by week changes and belly pictures. I am feeling good, working out, and working on the farm. I can’t wait to document all of my experiences with you.A Look Into Year Two of Blogging

    I know my time for blogging will be so limited with the arrival of Baby #2, but I am committed to the longevity and success of my blog to making it a business. I’m willing to do what it take to get those posts in, but also to connect with my readers. I have been planning how I will do this with a toddler and a newborn. It will be tough, but I think I have a plan.

  4. Networking. I am already a member of a few tribes or networks on Facebook and I plan to become even more involved in the second year. They provide amazing opportunities for bloggers that I have yet to take advantage of. This year, I will be making it one of my priorities to provide time and effort to networking.In year one, I followed several bloggers and have narrowed my list of motivational and role model bloggers down to a few who I can follow to keep me motivated throughout the year. One of them is Sarah Titus. I only recently found Sarah, but her story inspires me to become better and to do what it takes for my family.

    Another inspirational person I will continue to follow is Michael Hyatt. His posts and podcasts about leadership is so inspiring and really motivates me to become the best person I can be.

    Of course, Darren Rowse is on my follow list because he provides amazing and successful ProBlogging tips and tricks on his blog and podcast. I love the information he provides and I am always looking forward to new content from him.

  5. Release five eBooks. I learned about eBooks this past year. I had some ideas for eBooks, but I never finished any this year. I’m pushing myself this year to release AT LEAST five eBooks on various topics.

Year one was all about learning. Year two will be challenging in itself, but I truly believe my hard work will reap rewards and blessings.

There will be many changes coming to the forefront in year two, but I’m believing in myself to be up for the challenge.

What suggestions do you have for me in order to succeed in year number two of blogging?

~ Much Love~


Chocolate Mama Loves Vanilla

Wednesday 28th of October 2015

Congrats on your bun in the oven! I enjoyed reading all your goals, I am franticly trying to work on some as well! This gave a boost of motivation, so thank you very much for sharing! Look forward to more :-D

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Thursday 29th of October 2015

Thank you for reading! I'm so happy to share my blogging goals and step out of my niche for a little bit. Mainly celebrating that I made it strong to the one year mark. I love your posts as well and look forward to reading more of them. :)

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