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The Best Wonderful Italian Veggie Pasta Salad in the World

My family has dubbed this: ” The best wonderful Italian veggie pasta salad in the World.”

I’m sharing this wonderful Italian veggie pasta salad recipe with you today. First of all, let it be known that this is not rocket science. That’s what makes it so wonderful.

It’s also not a secret. My sister in law made it for my nephew’s birthday a few weeks before. Then, I made it for our July 4th BBQ. It’s been a hit everywhere. Even with the kids.

I’m going to share:

– This tasty recipe for making this best wonderful Italian veggie pasta salad.

– The ins and outs of creating this delicious bow tie pasta salad.

– Why this is one of my favorite summer salad recipes with pasta around.

Are you ready to have the most favorite dish at your next summer BBQ? Let’s dig in to the ingredients list.

the best wonderful Italian veggie past salad in the world.

Ingredients for Bow Tie Pasta Salad

This salad is so easy to make. Here’s a run down of all you’ll need:

– One box Bow Tie Pasta
– 1 Bottle Zesty Italian Salad Dressing
– 2 Packages Mozzarella Cheese Pearls
– 15-20 Cherry Tomatoes
– 2 Large Cucumbers
– 2 10-ounce cans of sliced black olives
Black Pepper to Taste

That’s it, my friend! As always, some of these ingredients are farm fresh from the garden.

From the Garden

Of course, you can always make this salad completely from scratch. You can definitely make, grow or grind all of these wonderful ingredients from scratch depending on where you are in the world.

For me in Kansas, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes are in season all summer long. I also have friends who dairy and make mozzarella, which is also amazing.

It’s the quality of the ingredients together that make this the best wonderful Italian pasta salad out there. Let’s start making it now!

How to Make the Best Wonderful Italian Pasta Salad In The World.

best italian pasta salad in the world

First, here’s what you need to be able to make this awesome salad.

Pot for boiling pasta.
Strainer for draining pasta/olives
Knife for cutting veggies
Cutting board for cutting veggies
Large salad bowl with lid

Now that you have everything, let’s start. Six easy steps. That’s it!

1. Cook the pasta in boiling water. It will take around 10-11 minutes.
2. Drain soft pasta and put into salad bowl.
3. Cut veggies to desired size. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Put into bowl.
4. Drain olives and add them in.
5. Add in Cheese and the Dressing to the desired consistency. Add black pepper to taste.
6. Mix and serve immediately or cover and place in fridge until ready to serve.

So easy and convenient. You might want to try some right away and that is great! You’ll want to make sure it’s the tastiest salad you’ve ever eaten. And I think you’ll find that it is.

Best Wonderful Italian Pasta Salad in the World

This Italian Pasta Salad is a little different…

This is a vegetarian pasta salad. Unlike many Italian pasta salad recipes, you won’t find any sausage, pepperoni or salami. Of course, you can throw some in if you’d like. You can make this salad anyway you’d like. That’s the beauty of the freedom of this world.

We made this salad vegetarian because my mother in law is a vegetarian due to health reasons. So, this salad was originally made with her in mind. Everyone still enjoyed it because it’s sooo good.

So Good The Kids Will Love It

The kids love the pasta, cherry tomatoes and cheese in this salad. My younger daughter eats all the mozzarella pearls first and then asks for more.

My older daughter actually says the cucumbers are her favorite part.

Either way, their plates are all clean at the end of the meal.

And it’s my favorite as well…

Growing up, Italian pasta salad was a popular thing at get togethers. I grew up on pasta salads and I CRAVE them once spring begins.

This one is about to be my favorite one.

For me, it’s the mozzarella cheese pearls and bow tie pasta. I love the texture and fun of the bow tie pasta no matter what recipe it’s in. Also, the black olives. My whole family knows I’m a true sucker for black olives.

All of these together, of course, makes an amazing salad.

You’ll Be The Most Popular Cook At the BBQ

So, I hope you find this recipe just the one you need in a pinch to bring to any party or get together. Make it your own and share this best wonderful Italian veggie pasta salad with everyone you know.
