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Drink More Water During Pregnancy

Last nights immeasurable pain reminded me of why it’s important to drink more water during pregnancy.

To drink more water during the day is a difficult challenge, I know.

It’s been very challenging for me to get more water in during this pregnancy.

One night reminded me of why it so important.

Never ending leg cramps. Ouch. 

I admit I wasn’t careful and proactive the day before with my water intake.

I drank some through the day, but not enough. It was definitely not enough.

Punishment: I was awoken in the middle of a perfect night’s sleep by the sharp pain of muscle cramps in my right calf.

Sharp pain that took hours to go away. The pain was unbearable.

More importantly, it interrupted a perfect night’s rest.

Here’s my excuse for not drinking more water:

I forgot my beloved purple Nalgene Water Bottle at home.

There should be no valid excuses for not consuming enough water. You can find water anywhere you go.

A drinking fountain. A convenience store. The restaurant you eat lunch.

Drinking more water during pregnancy is important and should be a priority.

Here’s three reasons to drink more water during pregnancy:

  1. Swelling
  2. Cut Back on the Leg Cramps
  3. Improves metabolism and decreases hunger pangs


Pregnancy is known being the cause of swelling.

Yes, it’s true.

Body fluids increase to protect your baby. But in reality, your whole body gets increased fluids.

This is what causes your hands, feet, and face to swell up like a balloon.

You might be one of the lucky ones who don’t swell up as badly.

I am not one of the lucky ones but I do feel a big decrease in the swelling by drinking more water.

Drink More Water


The flow of blood is necessary to keep the body working properly.

And to help you feel good and healthy.

This is where leg cramping come in to play.

Increased body fluids result in more flow of blood to where it needs to go. When the blood fails to get to where it needs to go in the body, cramping occurs.

Water helps the blood freeflow through your body more regularly.

Metabolism and Hunger

I’m all about consuming the right calories during pregnancy.

But there are times out of my schedule I just want food. Now.

Drinking more water helps control your mind and thoughts about food. Now.

I don’t know about you, but my belly feels more full when I drink more water.

How could that be?

It’s all in your mind, really

Drink More Water

Here. Try this:

Eat smaller meals every few hours. For example, I like healthy snacks between my three meals at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Then, drink water whenever you want a snack any other time.

[Tweet “Test this theory to see if drinking more water helps take your mind off extra snacks. “]

Tips to make yourself consume more water

  1. Carry a bottle with you at all times
  2. Infuse with fruit
  3. Add motivation to your bottle or jug

It can be difficult to consume more water than you are used to. I carry my purple bottle with me at all times every day.

Or, keep a glass or bottle of water near you at all times.

Not a water lover?

Try fruit in your water.

I love lemon water, but other fruits such as strawberries and mangos are also quite delicious with water.

Not only does this add more vitamins and minerals to your water, but it makes drinking water a tastier experience.

Finally, add some motivational quotes or statements to your bottle or jugs. Something to keep your mind wanting to drink more water.

Goals are great, just like what my friend Brockie did with her jug:

Drink More Water

How Much Water Are We Talking?

I found the leg cramps subside if I drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.

I actually shoot for a gallon, but a half gallon is more achievable for me. Especially on busy days.

You will need easy access to a restroom to complete this! But, that’s ok.

Give your body what it wants and what it needs. Drink more water  and enjoy your healthy pregnancy.

Now, go fill your glass and drink up!

~ Much Love ~


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. There are links within this post on which I can earn a commission if you purchase something, but at no additional cost to you. This is how I can continue to post high quality content for your enjoyment. 

Become Frugal During Hard Times | Farm Fit Living

Tuesday 10th of October 2017

[…] Drink more water. Make sure every member of the family has a bottle of water with them. Water is the most important nutrient to consume daily. Not only does it hydrate properly, but it also helps with metabolism. Keeping the family full in between meals. […]


Thursday 28th of January 2016

I remember those days! You look awesome! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with The Alder Collective. Hope to see you again this week! Have an awesome night!

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Friday 29th of January 2016

Thanks, Cristi. The night cramp pain really makes you think about how much water you'll drink the next day. Really makes a difference.


Thursday 28th of January 2016

I remember those days! You look awesome! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with The Alder Collective. Hope to see you again this week! Have an awesome night!

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