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How to Make this Homemade Egg Noodles Recipe

Homemade egg noodles are one of my favorite comfort foods.

I always loved helping my mom make homemade noodles with eggs for dishes like beef and noodles or chicken and noodles.

One of the reasons homemade egg noodles are so special is because they take so long to make, so we don’t have them very often. The dough can be mixed and rolled in the morning and left to dry all day. You can also make them in the evening and roll them out to dry overnight for a noon meal. It does take around an hour for the noodles to cook in the slow cooker.

You can also use a dehydrator to dry them. I’ll link to the one I use later on. This is a lot faster and easier way to dry noodles.

In this post, I’m going to:
* Share my favorite and flawless homemade noodles recipe with you.
* Give you several options for drying that can save you time.
* Share tips for how to use these noodles.

Let’s start making some noodles!

How to Make this Homemade Egg Noodle Recipe

What You Need

  • 4 Eggs
  • 3 T Milk
  • 2 Cups Flour
  • 2 tsp. salt

    It’s important to note that you’ll need more flour to roll out your noodle dough. The 2 cups above is only to make the noodle dough themselves.

How To Make Homemade Egg Noodles

Mix the first two ingredients together well and then gradually add in the flour and salt. The dough will eventually become too tough to stir and you will need to get dirty and use your hands. Coat your hands in flour and continue to work the dough until it is well mixed together.

Now, the fun part. Sprinkle some flour over a large counter top and place the ball of dough in the middle. Lightly coat your rolling pin in flour to prevent sticking and start rolling out your dough to result in a flat spread. The spread should be thin from the middle of the spread all the way to the edges.

Next, you can take a pizza cutter and slice out the noodles. You can make these as wide as you desire. If you have a noodle maker, run your dough through for perfectly shaped noodles.

Finally, you simply leave them alone to dry. Air drying has always been the way to dry out noodles. Grandma and mom used to either lay them out on tables and bed spreads everywhere. Or hang them. This will take several hours – even a day depending on how thick you make them. There’s a better way.

A Tip for Time Saving

When I need noodles quickly, I like to use my dehydrator to dry the noodles.

Simply lay out the noodles on the trays and set the dehydrator to 135 degrees F for 2-4 hours. Continue checking the noodles for dryness.

This is definitely much easier and space saving than hanging noodles around the kitchen. I find just putting them into the dehydrator something I’ll likely not give up (unless there’s an even better way some day, of course).

You Could Also Make Dumplings

Dumplings are just little balls made from the dough. Just another way to enjoy noodles. 

You can make them any size you want, but I would suggest making smaller balls (less than the size of your fist). The smaller they are, the less time they will need to be cooked. 

Store for Later Use

You can make a larger batch of these noodles to freeze for later. When they are dry, just put them in a freezer bag.

Also, I have put them in canning jars. You don’t have to process but it would be wise to use them up within a year. When noodles are perfectly dry, you can make them fit nicely into the jars evenly.

I love making big batches because they take so long to dry. Making noodles is a lot of work! This way, I can just pull out a bag of them when I want to make something with my egg noodles. 

Here are some other recipe ideas for using up homemade egg noodles. 

Recipes to Use Noodles

There are numerous ways to use this really easy homemade egg noodles recipe into larger family favorites. Here are a few of my favorites:

* Homemade chicken & noodles over mashed potatoes
* Homestyle chicken & dumplings
* Amish Noodle Casserole
* Homestyle Beef & Noodles
* Egg Noodle side dishes
* Spaghetti or Alfredo Noodles

Again, the possibilities are endless. Plus, as easy as they are to make, learning where they come from is even more fun. 

Where Do Homemade Egg Noodles Come From? 

Egg noodles come from a farm, of course! Three of the four ingredients in this recipe are grown on farms. Let’s explore.

First of all, eggs come from fowl such as chickens, ducks, quail, etc. My laying hens are pen raised and in a large coop with a run. So, they are never stressed from animals chasing them or getting lost. 

And they lay very awesome eggs for my family and I each day. 

Next, milk comes from cows or goats. We don’t raise our own dairy products yet for our own reasons, so we support other dairy farmers by shopping at local grocery stores. 

Finally, flour comes from a variety of sources ground from grain. There are many different options for flour as well:

* Wheat
* Soy for egg noodles gluten free
* Rice for egg noodles gluten free

Just to name a few options. There are more, I’m sure. But, what I really want to get into now is how we raise our hens for eggs. 

How We Raise Our Laying Hens

We raise very happy and safe hens. Our hens are kept in a large pen with a large coop for shelter and protection from predators and other people.

Each day, we care for our chickens by making sure they have plenty of food and water. Their food is a layer crumble with 16% protein. It’s a complete feed for laying hens and they do very well on it. 

Water is very important for the production hen. So, we always make sure their pan is full morning and night. 

Healthy chickens equals healthy eggs. Here are some egg noodles nutrition facts. 

Nutrition Facts of Homemade Egg Noodles from Farm Fresh Eggs

So, I found these facts HERE.  I love Calorie King because it gives you awesome ways to burn calories that are in comfort foods, such as homemade egg noodles. 

According to Calorie King, homemade egg pasta contains:

* 211 calories per 1 cup serving
* 3.5 grams of fat
* 106 mg of cholesterol
* 36 grams of carbs
* 8 grams of protein. 

Now, we all know that all of us will be eating more than a cup of noodles. So, here’s how you can burn off some extra noodle calories:

* 55 minutes of fast walking.
* 24 minutes of jogging.
* 18 minutes of swimming
* 28 minutes of cycling.

And there are other ways, too. Check out My Fitness Pal as well to track exercise and calorie loss. 

Enjoy These Homemade Noodles from Scratch!

Even though one cup of this homemade egg noodles recipe contains 211 calories, enjoy them. They make an awesome comfort food for chilly days when you and your family just want something warm in your tummies.

It’s also a great “busy time” ingredient to have on hand to pull and throw into the crock pot. During those busy seasons, you want to have recipes like these available to go to when you need a plan.

So, I hope these quick homemade noodles with eggs become a family favorite for good times and great memories!


70+ Ways to Use Up Extra Eggs From Over Producing Chickens | Farm Fit Living

Sunday 16th of April 2017

[…] Egg Noodles (Get My Recipe Here) and freeze the […]

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