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How To Create The Best Version Of Yourself With Vickie Winter


Want to know how to create the best version of yourself? 

‘How to create the best version of yourself’ is the topic of episode 2 of Rural Women Inspired. 

How to create the best version of yourself

About Vickie

Vickie Winter was born and raised around Wichita, KS. So, Kansas is her home and her roots run deep! Agriculture and Farming is something that has always been a part of her life. Her father was a farmer, she studied Animal Science at Kansas State University, worked for Cargill’s Turkey division, and she is now married to a farmer.

Vickie and her farmer have been married for 10 years and they have three sweet but ornery children. She is a lover of people, animals, K-State football, living in the country, the starry night sky and last but not least God.

Vickie started a Farmer’s Wives page on Facebook after quitting her corporate job to stay home with the kids. She wanted to draw knowledge from other stay at home moms, who also helped on the farm. And what better way to learn then to connect with those moms who had blazed a trail before her. The page has over 1400 members and those members are from all over the world.

Another group that she recently started is the Encouragement Corner. It is a loving place for anyone whom is looking to be lifted up and to learn how to create the best version of yourself. Therefore, she can’t wait to see where this group will go and who it will encourage!

Finally, Vickie strives to create the best version of herself each and every day. And I hope you enjoy her episode: “How to Create the Best Version Of Yourself. So, keep reading, click the play button above to listen or head over iTunes or Stitcher to Listen. 

First of all – Vickie’s Success Quote

“Pray and Give Thanks to God that you can’t control”.

Then “Try to find a silver lining.”

Then, Her Failure/Low Point

Tired of living a negative life. One day at church, the preacher advised to take 20 minutes out of a day and take some time for yourself and to God. 

Some ways:

  • Reflect in Silence
  • Or Pray 
  • Have a conversation with God
  • Read something inspirational

And would you change your path if you could go backwards?

  1. Vickie would never go back and change anything. 
  2. But she wishes that she would have realized the struggle was God’s way of telling her she needed HIM more in her life. 

Then, what is one thing you struggle with?

How to find enough time during the day to find balance.

Some ways she’s trying to make her day better:

  • Block out time to be offline
  • Being present for her family
  • Finding time to relax her mind
  • Learning how to give up certain things that don’t matter as much. 

Next, A Light Bulb Moment!

The time spent at church when she realized the priest was giving her a daily task to practice, which led her to learn how to create the best version of yourself.

So, what are you most excited about? 

  1. Facebook Group: The Encouragement Corner.

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received

  1. Work hard no matter what ~ From Dad
  2. Life’s not fair, so don’t expect it to be ~ From Dad
  3. If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. ~ From Grandpa

What is Something That Has Held You Back From Achieving Your Dreams? 

“I’m content with life and I feel like the best is yet to come”

How to Create The Best Version Of Yourself

Share Your Personal Habits

  1. Read Her Daily Devotional
  2. And Working Out for at least 20 minutes.

Then, What’s your Favorite App

So, Vickie loves the COZY app. Because it has:

  • Grocery List
  • And Birthdays
  • Calendars
  • And More!

And Favorite Tool

Of course, Her Whistle! (What Talent! :)) Learn How to Whistle with your fingers, too!

Favorite Book

  1. First of all, Unbroken ~ Laura Hildebrand  (And The Movie: Unbroken)
  2. Next, My One Word ~ Mike Ashcraft

If You Woke Up Tomorrow, Acquired 10 acres & $1000, what would you do?

Probably give it to my hubby!

Parting Words of Wisdom

“Do the best you can every dingle day”

And “Don’t be too hard on yourself”

Finally, Vickie’s Contact Info

Facebook Profile: Vickie Winter

Or email Vickie

Facebook Group: Farmer’s Wives

And the Facebook Group: Encouragement Corner

And Here’s How to Listen to This Podcast

Subscribe to Rural Women Inspired in iTunes and/or Stitcher and get the latest episodes as soon as they are available.

Click the play button in the post above or grab your favorite podcast app and join us for a chat!

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~ Much Love ~


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Wednesday 12th of April 2017

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