My entire web site, business and life would not be what it is today without you. How I Plan to Connect More With You This Year. THANK YOU!!
Rural women inspired
Is there something inside you or someone you love holding you back from what you want to do? Here’s how to overcome your biggest critics and fulfill your dreams
Do you ever feel like you’re alone in this world? You can learn how to use your loneliness to actually help you win big things in your life.
Health is more than just physical. It’s a mental process as well. Check out my interview with Brittia Kubeczka to find out how to jumpstart your health inside and out.
It seems over the last few years there have been quite few disasters in Rural America and, despite widespread devastation and loss of life, there hasn’t been many national emergencies declared or national coverage given to any of the rural states in America. Right now, Nebraska is dealing with devastating flooding after a record breaking …
Katie grew up in a small town in Colorado where she manages “Ag Told by Katie” a blog that shares inspiring stories of women in ag.
Are you looking for the best warm winter wear for rural women that will keep you warm and toasty while you work outdoors? Here’s my top list of items recommended by me and other rural women.
Frustrated by your garden this year? There’s still hope! Here are some Fall Planting Ideas: Were your spring and summer gardens not what you had hoped? Are you getting into gardening a little late this year? If you answered yes then it’s time to check out this week’s episode “Fall Gardening Guide.” We’re going to …
Are you interested in learning how to diversify your farm with pumpkins? More importantly, how to MAKE MONEY by adding in a pumpkin patch? Well, have I got a treat for you today! I’m sitting down with my friend Amy France. You probably remember her from a previous podcast episode. The one where she discusses …
Are you looking for gifts for mom or for your favorite woman you want to celebrate? Here’s 23 Uniquely amazing gifts that any mom would love to have.