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Inspire A Changed Attitude

I’ve always been a driven person,  but sometimes this type of person can still be negative and pessimistic.

It’s time to inspire a changed attitude.

Today’s #40Thanks goes to my dear friend and fitness coach Nichole who has changed my mindset, which in turn has changed my life.

She doesn’t know it, but I look up to her so much because of the type of person she has been to me and to others. I first met Nichole three years ago when I walked into a new YMCA to attend a Zumba class for the first time. She was the instructor. I automatically went to the back of the class.

Within you

Soon, I was moved to be in the front of that Zumba class. As I continued to come to class, I learned more about Nichole. She is a middle school math teacher and she had such a following to her Zumba classes! This was apparent when she had her baby a few months later and people quit coming to classes for a while.

I also learned she was a distributor for a nutrition company called Herbalife. When she returned, I started to find out we had more in common. Both driven to keep the weight off and just be fit. I am a supplement girl and when I had plans to become pregnant with my first, I wanted to find a safer supplement I could continue to take during pregnancy. This is when Nichole reached out to me and invited me to try Herbalife.

At this point, I wasn’t 100% sold on trying Herbalife but was willing to learn more. To make a long story short, Nichole was very open to working with me easily until I was ready to order. She has always been so positive and encouraging. She became my coach and fitness mentor and an unbelievable inspiration in the way she shed all her baby weight and continued to encourage others to do so. I did end up loving the Herbalife products and am still using them to this day.

help someone

She encouraged me to become a group fitness instructor with her at the YMCA. I immediately said I wanted to! It sounded so fun and Nichole made it look so easy. So, I took all the trainings and started teaching a boot camp class. I learned how difficult is was to grow a fitness class. Wow, it was hard. I admired Nichole even more for having 40 people in Zumba class when I could only get four to my boot camp class. The main things she taught me during this frustrating time was to remain positive and to be consistent. To inspire a changed attitude.

It took me a while to understand that I needed to change my frown upside down in order to inspire my classes. I needed to be positive. They were there to change their bodies and to do that, I needed to make sure they would be in the right mindset.

So, I started practicing this and I did notice a change. My members were bringing their friends. My classes would have their ups and downs in size, but at least I had people coming to class.

Then, Nichole inspired me once again to step out of my comfort zone and become a Les Mills BODYPUMP instructor with her. Of course, I jumped on that opportunity and became certified. I love teaching the BODYPUMP class, which is a weight lifting class choreographed to music. It’s amazing and members love it.

I want to definitely thank Nichole for leading me through the journey of getting fit again and for being a great friend and mentor to me! Every once in a while she sends texts with beautiful and motivational quotes and pictures as a pick-me-up and inspiration.

I’m excited to be heading to a great leadership weekend next month with Nichole and others with Herbalife and I’m looking forward to growing our friendship and inspiring an even more positive changed attitude towards life.

~Much Love~

Farm Fit Mama




Tuesday 17th of March 2015

Love this post! It's amazing how we can touch someone's life just by reaching out! Thanks for linking up with Waiting on...Wednesday! Hope to see you back tomorrow!

Farm Fit Mama

Wednesday 18th of March 2015

Holly, All it takes is a little smile and a hand! Even though the person may not be receptive to it at first, they will eventually. Thanks for stopping by!

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