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Finding the perfect Mother’s Day gifts can be difficult.  Perfect Mother’s Day gifts are those gifts money can’t buy. Some people take the pressure of finding that perfect gift for mom very seriously. Stop trying to shop for the perfect gift. Here are 3 perfect Mother’s Day gifts your mom is really wanting from you on …

Read More about 3 Perfect Mother’s Day Gifts Every Mom Wants

Are you wondering how you can save money showing livestock? “Save money showing livestock” is not something show families put at the top of the list during show season. It should be. Showing livestock is expensive. It may not be glitzy and glamorous to try to save money at the shows. But becoming money smart important …

Read More about How to Save Money Showing Livestock

Do you ever wish you had certain self-sufficiency skills to live a more simple life?  Self-sufficiency skills are also known as hobbies, to most people these days. This is because our society has become so dependent on retail as a way to obtain goods and services needed to live. But what would happen if these …

Read More about 5 Self-Sufficiency Skills Mother Taught Me

Has your small town turned down the path to broken traditions? Broken traditions can be a shock to anyone. It’s called change and it’s not always fun because it’s different. Did you know an eggless Easter egg hunt is an option for Easter fun in your community? A long tradition of hunting Easter eggs was broken …

Read More about Broken Traditions: The Eggless Easter Egg Hunt