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5 Best Egg Containers for Small-Scale Egg Producers

More of you are interested in raising chickens for eggs than ever before. I see it around my community and on social media. Awesome!

I saw a post the other day on Facebook asking about the best egg containers and, of course, I read the comments. The comments consisted of a plethora of answers from “my hoodie pockets” to the “extra large blue wire basket.”

While I have used my hoodie pockets, the latter fancy wire basket seems a bit extreme for me. When it comes to producing eggs, I am small scale. I have 8 chickens who live on my homestead and lay their eggs for my family and me.

We typically only use the eggs for ourselves to cook with in recipes or they are just delicious by themselves. Check out this recipe for Mylee’s favorite scrambled eggs. Occasionally, we give a few dozen extra away to friends and family if we have a few extra.

When we first got into the laying hen business, I didn’t really know much about what equipment I would need for gathering the eggs. I invested in the commonly seen and sold tall red egg basket from our local farm store

egg basket

But, I found this basket to be ill in the user-friendly department. It’s very wobbly if you set it down somewhere and falls over quite easily.

A cracked egg is not useful, so you want to be sure you have a container to protect your eggs.

I’ve explored some other options and have talked with other small-scale egg producers. I have found there are many options out there for gathering eggs safely.

I’ve found the 5 best egg container for a small-scale egg producer.

  1. Blue Bunny Gallon Ice Cream Bucket – By far my favorite way to transport eggs, this is a frugal and simple option for anyone raising just a few chickens and not wanting to invest in a fancier egg carrier.

    My family has eaten several buckets of this economy-size ice cream all summer and we have several of these empty ice cream buckets laying around. Might as well put them to good use! We also use these buckets for produce and just about whatever we need a small solid bucket. They are real gems as simple as they are.

  2. Woven Wicker Basket – You can make or purchase a lovely woven wicker basket of any shape or size. I love these because they are so cute and they work really well for eggs. Go ahead and line your woven wicker basket with a soft sheet or even some bubble wrap to guarantee a soft landing and to keep your basket clean.

  3. Heirloom Egg Gathering Basket – This one is really cool. It’s actually made from chicken wire. It’s sturdy but also very stylish and will look great sitting on your kitchen counter!

  4. Wire Basket – This is a taller basket that holds up to 6 dozen eggs. What I like about it is that it’s coated in plastic to protect the eggs from breaking.

  5. Vintage Wood Basket – Another cute basket for gathering eggs. It’s lined with a safe cloth to protect your eggs from damage.
5 Best Containers for Small Scale Egg Producers

At the end of the day when those eggs are gathered, it’s important that they stay safe and sound inside their basket until they are taken inside to be washed and put away.

Hopefully, these different basket options will give you some good recommendations and answers to your questions.

5 Best Containers for small scale egg producers

You won’t know which ones you like until you try them, so when you do, let me know which ones you like the best and which ones you didn’t.

~ Much Love ~


How To Stay Positive On The Farm | Farm Fit Living

Monday 16th of April 2018

[…] is an old time saying referring to the fact that if the entire egg basket falls, all the eggs may […]

Tracy Laxton

Thursday 8th of October 2015

Very interesting! I would love to have chickens one day...

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Friday 16th of October 2015

Hey, Tracy! I find chickens very easy to care for. Just a few well fed hens can feed your family. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks for stopping by.

Mindy Young

Thursday 8th of October 2015

Hey, Tracy! I find chickens to be very easy to manage. Even if you live in town, you may be able to have a few. And, trust me, all you need is a few good layers! Thanks for stopping by.

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