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Round Ligament Pain: Management and Comfort

During my first pregnancy, round ligament pain was non existent. Not the case with my second. 

Round ligament pain is quite possibly one of the most uncomfortable and painful experience during pregnancy.

But, it’s natural and common.

This pain is a common process of the round ligament stretching and loosening to prepare your pelvis for labor.

When to Expect Round Ligament Pain

My ligament pain started at week 28. During the holidays.

The pain was mostly across the left side of my pelvis. The pain would wrap around to the left side of my back.

Sometimes the pain was unbearable and I could hardly walk.

Here’s what Round Ligamant pain is like:

  1. The pelvis is On Fire.
  2. I was waddling like a penguin.
  3. My most common facial expressions includes squinting and wincing in pain.

round ligament pain

I was worried at first because I did not have round ligament pain with my first pregnancy.

Was I in early labor? Had I been doing too much for my body to handle?

Here’s what is actually happening to your body:

  1. Your pelvis is stretching
  2. Your body is prepping for labor

While my pelvis was stretching, I still had chores, mommy and wife duties, and life.

How was I able to do all of this?

My husband was a great help. But I still tried to do what I could.

I monitored my pain to what I could do. I listened to my body.

This is How I Worked Through:

  1. Sitting was the cause of the pain. 
  2. Eating was another cause of the pain. 
  3. Keep walking and moving around. 

The type of surface I was sitting on did not matter. I could sit for 5 minutes or 30 minutes.

When I would get up from sitting, the pain would be there. The tension was unbearable and I could barely walk.

Sitting and eating was the worst combination for my round ligament pain. I finally decided to just stand and eat.

It didn’t matter how little or how much I ate.

Standing and eating helped the pain from returning.

I kept moving around and staying active. I went outdoors and walked around the farm.

I did my chores, lifted at the gym and played with my daughter.

As long as I was moving, the pain was ceased.

And a week later, it was gone and I was back to normal.

Listen to Your Body

Round ligament pain should last off and on for a little over a week.

Then, it goes away. At least, it should go away.

If you are having round ligament pain for more than a week, I would suggest talking to your doctor or midwife.

But, try to keep moving. Moving and walking helped me so much.

round ligament pain

Round Ligament Pain Could Be A Great Thing

I’m hoping my experience with feeling round ligament pain helps me to go into labor naturally.

My first pregnancy lasted almost 42 weeks. I was induced and had a natural delivery.

During my first pregnancy, I was very active and healthy. Mylee was ready to come out and meet the world.

But, my body was just not up for labor. It needed a little assistance.

So, my hope is for this pain to be a sign. A sign that my body will be ready for labor naturally this time.

Time will tell and in nine weeks or less, I will have another healthy baby girl.

Tell me about your pregnancy pain and how you over came it. 

~ Much Love ~


Monday 1st of February 2016

That sounds very uncomfortable and good that you listen to your body. All the best, pain free days ahead.

Kathleen Blogger's Pit Stop

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Monday 1st of February 2016

Thanks, Kathleen. It was a painful experience but thankfully, it's gone now. :) It didn't last for too long.

Elizabeth Edgar

Saturday 30th of January 2016

I remember round ligament pain with my first! I will definitely remember to keep moving when I become pregnant again. Thanks!

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Monday 1st of February 2016

Elizabeth, Every body is different and this is just what worked for me. :) I do encourage you to try moving more and hopefully that will help you!


Thursday 28th of January 2016

I had four kids and never had to deal with that. I had friends who did and they were miserable. I'm glad you found a way to ease it! Best of luck to you through the rest of your pregnancy!

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Friday 29th of January 2016

Thank you! Did you have all your kids naturally? I'm hoping ligament pain means that I won't have to be induced.

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Friday 29th of January 2016

Thank you! Did you have all your kids naturally? I'm hoping ligament pain means that I won't have to be induced.

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