Are you wondering how you will ever survive hot summer workouts outdoors that you planned for your days?
Survive hot summer workouts simply by accepting flexibility and change to your summer workout plan. Because who doesn’t love to work out in the heat and humidity? I’m talking 90 – 100 degree days. On those days, even the “cooler” morning and evening hours can become unbearable.
Are you raising your hand? Believe me when I say this: Working out in the summer heat is great for melting your fat and burning extra BBQ calories. Many people try to workout and run outside.
But you do need to be careful so you don’t over heat. Mother nature shows no mercy.
To survive hot summer workouts, there are a few strategies you can do to still fit in your outdoor plan.
Watch the Weather
Yes. You should turn into one of THOSE people. Those weather freaks (ME!) who really pay attention to the weather forecast each and every day.
Because in order to make or adjust your plan for an outdoor workout, you must know what weather conditions you will be facing. You know your own body and what limits it can handle. Knowing the weather can help you make a plan for the location of your workout.
To find local weather, watch the news. Listen to the local radio. Look on the internet for your local forecast and radar. It isn’t a bad idea to own a weather radio that will give you updates of local weather if you wish.
Don’t ever take the heat fore granted. Prepare and persist to survive hot summer workouts. Know what you’re getting yourself into before you make a plan to workout in the heat.
Carry Plenty of Water
No matter the weather, you should never ever ever EVER deprive yourself of water. Especially when trying to survive hot summer workouts.
I always make sure I have a full 32 oz bottle of water with me at all times. If I’m running in the morning or evening, I even carry a smaller bottle with me to keep me hydrated. But, my big bottle will be waiting for me at the end of my run.
So, the rule of thumb for water intake is one 32-oz bottle of water for each hour of workout. That is in addition to your normal recommended amount of water in take. To play it safe, I usually try to get at least a half-gallon, or 64-oz of water, in my body each and every day.
Water tastes great on a hot summer day. It also feels great, too.
Swap Out Land Exercises for Water Ones
One of my favorite ways to beat the heat is spending time in the swimming pool. The beauty of summer is the ability to play in the water. Why not challenge yourself by adding a workout into the pool?
Yes, water workouts can be challenging and burn more calories than land workouts. You can still work up a good sweat in the pool. Keep the same workout you would normally do and take it into the water.
I love doing boot camp, water jogging, dancing or just simply swimming laps in the pool. All of these methods, when completed in 30 minutes to one hour, can be very effective. You may not feel like the workout is difficult. But, you will feel the results of the workout later if you really push yourself.
Be careful. It can be a little slippery when wet. You might consider getting some of these water shoes to prevent slipping on the bottom.
The pool is an obvious way to cool off in the summer. But, there are other options amazingly FREE and cool options for water workouts that are free. A sprinkler in your own yard or community splash pad are still great ways to complete your workout. Again, you may want to wear your water shoes so you don’t step on anything with bare feet or even slip on the wet surface.
So, figure out how you can incorporate some refreshing water into your daily workout plan. Adding water into your workouts can provide a cooler and more comfortable tone to your workout.
Find A Cooler Spot
Working out in the water may not even be enough to out stand the hot summer heat. It might be worth it to find a place indoors and out of the heat. It could be a community building, gym, or a nice cool room in your house.
My basement is my cooler spot of choice when the heat and Kansas humidity are unbearable. I have my treadmill, hand weights, jump ropes and even more down there in a comfortable 50 degrees. It’s amazing!
And I never have an excuse because I know I have that spot if I can’t take the heat.
So, you don’t have a cool spot like that indoors? Do you have a fan? Consider hooking it up to cool you down while you’re sweating. Sweating will keep you cool, but it may not be enough in the heat of summer.
Finally, a shady backyard may be the perfect cooler spot for a good workout. Finding a cooler spot that is yours can really help you sustain your plan and survive hot summer workouts.
What You Should NOT Do
Please don’t skip your workout. There’s no need for that. The heat may be yucky, but there’s ways around it.
With that said, be sure to listen to your body. If your body can’t take the heat, you’ll need to find a cooler spot. Add a fan into your workout. Find an indoor spot or workout in the water.
There’s so much you can do with this. Make it your own. Live up to the challenge and you will see the changes you’ve been working so hard for.

7 Ways to Stop Food Cravings Naturally | Farm Fit Living
Thursday 9th of March 2017
[…] Stay in temperature controlled rooms and places. […]
Thursday 7th of July 2016
awesome tips! I've been trading my running workouts for swimming lately. loving it :D
Sarah Louise Zerbe
Thursday 7th of July 2016
I have the same problem, I don't do well in heat. I always opt for water activists.
Mindy Young
Thursday 7th of July 2016
Yes - Water or air conditioning wins. I used to be able to run in the heat, but not anymore.