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An important lesson about a holiday symbol was instilled in me when I was 10 years old.  That year, my friends began to wonder if Santa Claus was real. They asked their parents if he was real. Many parents said no. I asked mine the same question and received a different answer. [Tweet “Santa Clause is …

Read More about 3 Reasons to Preserve a Holiday Symbol

You know him. The man who has absolutely everything. He doesn’t need anything for Christmas. Or ever. Have you thought of stocking stuffer ideas for the hard to buy guy?  My farmer is my hard-to-buy man. He has everything he needs. So, he says. Of course, I’m not playing by his rules. I’ve developed a listing of …

Read More about 15 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for the Hard To Buy Guy

Little one on the move? You need some tips to toddler proof Christmas trees in your home.  Toddler proof Christmas trees Are you missing ornaments from your Christmas Tree? Or maybe you’re worried about your most valuable keepsakes breaking. Let me guess. You have a toddler in the house. Or maybe just a cat who …

Read More about How to Toddler Proof Christmas Trees