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5 Ultimate Productive Morning Person Hacks to Start Your Day

Do you ever just wish you could be the ultimate productive morning person?

Ultimate productive morning person hacks are right here at your fingertips. Yes. Anyone can become the ultimate productive morning person. Even you.

But you say waking up early is too difficult. There are lots of excuses. It’s so hard to get out of bed before the sun comes up.

It may not be fun at first. In fact, I can tell you there will be mornings when you will roll over, shut off that alarm and then feel behind all day.  

You see, I’ve adored dark and quiet early mornings around 4 a.m. when I can actually have some time to think. No distractions. Just me and my tasks. I want to encourage you to try mornings.

In this post, I’m will share:

  • Ways you can become that ultimate productive morning person
  • What are the best things to do in the morning to get ahead the rest of the day.
  • How getting up early in the morning can help to make life more productive.

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Ultimate Productive Morning Person

Why Do You Want to Become the Ultimate Productive Morning Person?

Well, here’s the best piece of advice I can give you. Start with why. Why do you want to start getting up early? Why do you want to make life more productive?

Knowing why you are choosing this time of day to knock out important tasks can help you completely change your mindset. Knowing your why can help you to believe you can do it and develop a sturdy routine to help you maintain this morning productivity time for years to come. 

The truth is…you need some time to yourself each day to focus on your tasks. I’m going to go into this more in a bit, but right now let’s start with changing up that mindset and focusing more on you. 

So, here’s 5 ways to become the ultimate productive morning person. Let’s begin on a positive note with these first morning productivity tips.

Positive Mindset

First of all, you really need to get rid of those excuses. I don’t want to hear, “I just can’t get up in the mornings.” Because you haven’t even tried.

You have to train your mind to believe that you desire to wake up early. Because it’s truly amazing how your mind can control the rest of your body. And if you tell your mind “I can’t” then you won’t. And you have to always remember why you need to become the ultimate productive morning person.

So, don’t ever say I can’t again. Remove that word “can’t” from your vocabulary. Get rid of those pesky excuses preventing you from achieving your precious goals. Instead, prioritize your tasks in a way that you can achieve your goals.

Productive morning quotes really help to get your mind on the right track. I have an app on my phone called Quotes Alarm that dings each morning with a healthy dose of inspiration. 

Transforming your mindset will take time. And determination to make your mind believe you can. Sometimes it works to say it out loud to yourself over and over again.

Because if you tell your mind “I can” then you will. Find a mirror. While you’re at it, ask yourself why you’re aiming to become the ultimate productive morning person.

Good! Now that our mindset is directed correctly, it’s time to find focus to get things done.

Focus on Important Tasks

Because focus is sometimes lacking early in the morning when you’re still feeling sleepy.

This is the key to making morning productivity work. I want to encourage you to prioritize your morning tasks to become the ultimate productive morning person.

So, this means you should not schedule too many things to accomplish in your morning. You may only have an hour to complete tasks before everyone wakes up or it’s time to go to work. The number of tasks should be no more than five per morning.

Hence, choose no more than five of the most important thing you want to accomplish. If you have a couple of hours, five is a perfect number. But if you only have a half hour to an hour, you should figure on doing less. Then, you should choose just a couple of the most important tasks to complete.

Next, pick a time limit for each task. Note: This doesn’t mean you should hurry through the task. The task should still be completed correctly within the allotted time frame. Also, you should complete each task before moving on to the next task. So, be sure you are allowing yourself plenty of time to rock each and every task on your morning priority list.

Finally, write down your tasks the night before so you won’t have to think about what needs to be done. You can just start completing those tasks right away in the morning. Write them down or text them into your phone for safe keeping.

And always begin the morning with a great mind clearing breakfast of champions to help you feel awake and focused to tackle those tasks.

For 5 Fullfilling Make Ahead Breakfasts, Go Here

ultimate productive morning person

Good Nutrition

Focus and productivity begins with good nutrition.

Quality protein, vitamins and minerals and water is the key to survival in the mornings. Focus requires a clear mind that is well nourished.

Because your body requires fuel to keep going. You can’t run or think on empty. And sometimes many of us take this fore granted. Don’t.

So, plan out your meals and snacks. Eat a good meal the night before and plan a great breakfast for in the morning when you wake up. Especially if you are planning to work out in the early morning hours.

Here are some great grab’n’go breakfasts for a busy productive early morning. And here’s a great quick scrambled egg recipe you can make ahead of time to begin your day right.

But nutrition is not the only requirement your body and mind needs to achieve morning productivity. You also need to make sleep happen.

Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is difficult for some people. But it is so important for productivity. Are you having trouble finding enough sleep?

You need to find a way to relax and sleep at night. Perhaps becoming the ultimate productive morning person will help you to relax before you go to sleep at night. It’s worth a shot. 

Because, the most successful people in the world make sure they get plenty of sleep. Around 7-8 hours of sleep is the average good night’s rest according to professional athletes and business people.

If you simply can’t get that much sleep at night for some reason, you may want to try to schedule a nap in the afternoon. Or over lunch if you can’t in the afternoon. Because sleep not only makes you a more productive person. It will also make you a better person. A happier person.

So, try to go to bed a little bit earlier at night if you can to get the awesome night sleep you need. It can take some time to acquire this new sleep routine. But stick with it and you’ll be waking up feeling refreshed in no time.

Morning Routine Ideas

How do you start your mornings? It’s important to develop a good routine that works for you. Starting the day with the same routine can really help you to become the ultimate productive morning person.

How to have a productive morning routine? Here are the activities I choose to do in the morning to start my day. 

So, I always begin each 4 a.m. morning with a good nutritious breakfast to wake up my mind. Because, as I said before, nothing good will happen if your mind isn’t clear and focused on the tasks.

Then, I get right to work writing. I need to write when it’s quiet and I have no distractions. With a focused mind and no distractions, I can write a post like this one in about 30 minutes.

After the post is written, I turn on an inspirational podcast to listen to while I edit pictures and complete other tasks. Or when I’m driving to the gym. Either way, I ALWAYS have a podcast on to get me excited and fired up. Some of my favorite podcasts: EOFire with John Lee Dumas and It’s Your Life with Michael Hyatt.

Finally, my busy morning concludes morning chores right before family wakes up. I’m usually home from the gym by 7 a.m. And I can also get a little cardio exercise in running around the farm, feeding animals and picking fresh produce for the day. And by 7:30, my busy morning is complete!

I do this routine each and every morning. It’s really changed the way I feel about the day.

ultimate productive morning person

What I DON’T Include In My Routine

Did you notice something about my routine? Let me enlighten you for a minute.

You may or may not have noticed that I do not check my email as part of my morning routine. I also do not check social media. Because these are productivity WASTERS for me.

Now, there may be times where email and social media could be productivity enhancers. Maybe they are on your task list. And I’ll let you make that decision for yourself. But, for me, it’s a waste of time for me to even log in. So, I don’t.

And please don’t check these things at night. Because it will be hard to get to sleep if you are fired up about something you saw on social media. Or a disturbing email you received in your inbox.

I save these tasks for kids’ quiet times. Or sometime in the afternoon. I do set my timer for an hour to check social and email. There’s nothing I despise more than to waste precious time on deleting spam from my inbox in the mornings while my unfinished post sits. Waiting.

Again, you have to prioritize and develop a routine that works for you. If you’re having trouble finding a way, you might consider becoming the ultimate productive morning person. It may change your life.

Why You Should Wake Up Early

If you’re still reading this post, you might be thinking “Ewww…Mornings.” But what’s not to like about mornings? Bottom line, though, you have to know and understand why you want to make mornings work.

Here’s why I make mornings work for me. For me, it’s how to be productive everyday. How to make everyday productive.Here’s some examples:

As I type this post, it is 4:20 a.m. The house is quiet. It’s dark outside. There’s absolutely no distractions. And I’m getting things done.

Mornings are my time to focus. Because in a few hours, everyone will be awake and needing me. Distracting me from my work.

If I can complete tasks in the early morning hours, I can enjoy my day so much more. I can focus on other fun things without worrying about my tasks I did not complete.

So, that’s why I truly believe in mornings. And why you should, too. But, all-in-all, whatever time and routine you choose, you need to make time for yourself. Making time for yourself during your day is vital to your productivity.

I want to encourage you to designate at least one hour of your day for you. I highly recommend early mornings, but maybe you function better late at night. It really doesn’t matter as long as you are taking care of yourself. So, plan out that hour into your schedule for you.

Because an hour is only 4% of your day. You still need to make that hour count for you to rock out your time and become a productive person.

ultimate productive morning person

Rock Out Your Mornings

If you’re asking yourself, “How can I make my life more productive” you need to start with why. Then, practice some of the hacks you learned here. I’ve discussed a few things in depth you need to know before you become that person who is accomplishing a lot of things during the early morning hours.

First, you need to make your mind understand why you need that special time each morning. Whether it’s to workout, read, craft, or something else, you need your time for yourself to focus on completing a task.

Next, you need to make a plan and prioritize tasks. Along with that, develop your routine schedule to complete those tasks every morning. This will also help you to get a jump start on accomplishing tasks the rest of the day.

Last but not least, you need to take care of yourself. Your body and mind needs nourishment and plenty of good sleep to be successful.

Finally, understand that becoming the ultimate productive morning person takes some time. Do not quit. Stay focused on your goals and remember why you are starting. Accomplish your small achievements on your own time and you will be well on your way to finding the success you are striving to accomplish.


Set Achievable Goals and Actually Meet Them Next Year | Farm Fit Living

Tuesday 5th of December 2017

[…] towards that desire which will make you a better person. It will help you gain traction towards your ultimate life you’re creating for […]


Friday 30th of September 2016

I have 2 under 2 so we HAVE to have a routine. Except when the 3 month old decides to change it. Maybe once they get older I can be more productive, but for now, I'm just trying to make it through. :)

Kate Walton

Friday 30th of September 2016

I am so. so. so. so. out of routine. I got into a great routine last year of waking up early and had my 4-5 repetitive chores I completed each morning (swap laundry, fold a load, straighten kitchen from hubby's breakfast, shower, etc) mostly before the kids were awake. Then I got pregnant and my motivation disappeared. I stay so tired right now I struggle to even think of what needs to be done! Would love for you to link with us:

Terri Dunning

Friday 16th of September 2016

I've found that if I feed my dogs first thing in the morning--I wake up at 4:30 AM--they train themselves to wake up. Then if I am moving kind of slow they hurry me along. Nothing will keep you moving in the morning like a hungry Corgi! They will then give me very disapproving looks if, once they eat, I'm not ready to get outside and tend to the livestock. Even if it is pitch dark outside I am safe and moving along with my fearless Corgis making sure I get all those outside tasks done in the right order! I get so much done before Hubby wakes up. Oh, and the Corgis are down with those afternoon naps, too.


Saturday 10th of September 2016

I wake up early pretty automatically but still don't enjoy it that much. :[ Clearly, I gotta work on that first tip! :P

Mindy Young @ Farm Fit Living

Friday 16th of September 2016

Go for it!!

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