Are you looking for practical gift ideas for the farmers wife in your life?
I have developed this guide, not only as a farm wife myself, but what other farmwives are currently searching for. They want comfort. They want to save money, gain knowledge and be a bigger part of the farm. Time savers are also a plus.
But sometimes, farm wives feel like they are kicked under the bus and left for dead. They can sometimes feel like they have no purpose on the farm. I’ve included some gifts that will help the farm wife find purpose, gain knowledge and improve wellness to be just plain happier with life.
So, in this guide, I’ve included 23 gift ideas for the Farmers Wife that:
- Will be practical, save time and money and gain knowledge
- Include farm wife shirts and apparel
- Time saving gifts that really will make a difference
- Help farm wives find purpose and balance in their lives.
Let’s jump right in to the Farmer Wife Gifts guide. If you don’t find the exact product you’re looking for, please continue searching for a different style using my affiliate link at no cost to you. This helps me to support my own family and this web site, again at absolutely no cost to you. It also helps me to continue to better serve you and continue to bring you only the best quality information you desire.
For The New Farm Wife
1. Silicone Wedding Ring – I remember when I lost the beautiful diamond out of my wedding ring. I was livid. Luckily, though, I found it and was able to get it fixed good as new. These silicone rings will not only help to save and protect your precious diamond rings but they are also safer.
2. Old Farmer’s Almanac Planner – It’s important for the new farm wife to learn the schedules and season of farm life, specifically gardening. I LOVE reading the Farmer’s Almanac and all the predictions in it. A lot of those predictions have actually turned out to be true! This one includes a planner for estimating a plan for each and every season.
3. How to Be the Perfect Farm Wife Book by Lorna Sixsmith – This is a super funny book by Lorna. She’s been a farm wife for a long time and understand what it’s like to live the life of a farm wife. I think any new farm wife will be able to laugh along with this book.
4. Uninvited Book by Lysa Terkhurst – Whenever a farm wife says she’s lonely, I recommend that she read this book. This book changed everything for me. It opens your eyes that there is a bigger purpose for YOU out in the world. When I read this book, I began looking for it. Now, I can stay busy and not feel as lonely or left out. It is an amazing book and one of my favorites that I still pull out from time to time. I highly highly recommend it.
5. Muck boots – Because you will be forced to step into mud sometime. You’ll need to be prepared. Muckboots have been my absolute favorite mud boots – And I’ve tried a lot of brands. There’s no better brand than Muck boots.
To Help With Time
6. Timer – This is the best tool I’ve found to balance my time. Is to plan out my tasks and set a timer for each one. Even play time with the kids!
7. Door Key Hangar – I don’t know about you but I can NEVER find my keys when I’m ready to leave. Until I started hanging them up right by the door. So, I think this is an awesome gift for the busy farm wife. It holds multiple sets of keys for all those vehicles. I’ve linked to two here. One of them is a basket for change, flashlights, etc. The other is super cute. Check them both out.
8. Boot Jack – Boots are sometimes hard to take off after coming in for chores. And when the kids kick them around trying to get them off…Only God knows what is flying everywhere. So, save everyone some time and energy and use a boot jack. This is one specifically designed for boots and is really easy to use.
9. Boot Rack Organizer – And after you get those boots off, organize them so you don’t have to look around for them before you head outdoors again. I have little kids and it seems like one of my boots was always missing before. Then, we’d spend several minutes looking for it, eventually finding it in the bath tub. What a time waster! With your boots hanging up like this, your little ones may not have the urge to remove them. This is a great way to store them so they are ready for you to put them on and walk out the door.
10. Instant Pot Pressure Cooker – So, I don’t have mine yet, but I’ve done a lot of research. I’ve been to farm women’s meetings and conferences to watch demonstrations and hear conversations. The verdict is out! The instant pot is perfect for when time is crunched and you have to get a meal ready quickly. For the busy farm wife, this is a dream. It’s on my Christmas list for this year and I can’t wait to get one so I can start saving time.
To Help Save Money
11. 20 Inspiring Ways to Recycle Your Used Items for Decorating and Gifts – This looks like a great way to declutter and save. If your farmwife is a creative person or tries real hard to be, this book might be the gift for her. It’s full of ideas that she can learn about and use to create awesome things for others.
12 Energy Saver Light Bulbs – Many people are looking for ways to save on utilities. Saving energy with efficient light bulbs is just one way to do that. So, if your favorite farmwife is one of those energy saving people, help her save more by gifting her with some light bulbs.
13 Save, Spend, Share Jar – There’s always change floating around the farm house. This jar is great for saving but it also has compartments for spending and sharing.
Farm Wife Apparel
14. Farm Wife Tees – Get her some farmers wife clothing! I’ve done the hard work for you. I’ve compiled collections for farmer’s wife apparel at both Zazzle and Sun Frog. They have great farmers wife quotes on them, too. Click each link to head over and start shopping for your favorite farm wife.
Shop Farm Wife T-Shirts on Zazzle
Shop Farm Wife T-Shirts on Sun Frog
15. Farmer’s Wife Hats – Because the farmer’s wife is out in the elements, too. Get her a hat so she can protect her skin from the blazing sun. You can choose a ball cap and customize it to her liking. Or choose a stylish but complete sun protecting hat that covers everything.
Knowledge is Power
16. Severe Weather Radio – We love our weather radio because here in Kansas, we never know what it’s going to do. It’s always good to be prepared and this weather radio is the one that prepares us for the worst.
17. Ticket to Farm Women Conferences – As a woman farmer AND farm wife, I love going to the yearly women’s conference in my own state. I get the opportunity to connect with other women farmers and farm wives. It’s neat to listen to stories and get ideas from others. Plus, you get to socialize with other women who “get it.” It’s an unforgettable experience. A ticket to one of these conferences would be the perfect gift for any farm wife who desires to get away and experience new horizons. Do a Google Search for the one in your state or surrounding states.
Here’s what the one in my state looks like
18. Farm Record Keeping Software FREE TRIAL – Farm record keeping is important but can be overwhelming. This farm books program has 2 5-star reviews that say it is easy to learn. This is a free trial offer so, you have nothing to lose by trying it out to see if it works for you and your farm.
For Wellness
19. Two Home Workout Videos – I’ve linked to two different workout video programs that can help you blow some steam. 30 Day Shread with Jillian Michaels allows me to have a personal trainer at home. She gives modifications and these videos work great. Plus, they are super short. If you need to work up a sweat or blow off steam in a very short amount of time, 30 Day Shred is one of my favorites.
The second link is for a home Zumba Slimdown program. Zumba is so popular at my gym, but sometimes I can’t get to class. It’s a great dance program for all ages and stages. Great cardio at home at any level, plus it’s fun!
20. Home Spa Set – A trip to the Spa would be most ideal. Getting away is always nice. BUT we know it’s not always reality to do so. Here is a set that can pamper the farm wife right at home when she needs it.
For the Home
21 Cutting Board – A farm wife can never have too many cutting boards. And this one is super cute. Use it for cutting up vegetables, slicing bread or making a craft you’ll have to set aside for later.
22 Cute Decorative Farmhouse Pillows – Need a soft pillow to take a power nap after lunch? My cousin Amy designed these adorable little throw pillows that go with anything. The links go directly to the pillows in her Zazzle store.
Click Here for the Home Sweet Farmhouse Pillow
23. Vacuum Cleaner – Those floors, though! I don’t feel as though I can ever get my farmhouse floors clean enough. However, these two vacuums I’ve linked to will help for a little while. The Roomba vacuum is a great time saver. You just set it and forget it. Let it clean your floor for you. The other one is the heavy duty Shark recommended by farm women everywhere for high traffic.
Picking the Perfect Farm Wife Gifts
I’ve listed 23 gift ideas for a farmer’s wife. But I’ve also listed a few more, right? That’s because every farm wife is different – so I’ve taking the liberty of offering just a few more options in the same categories to fit different farm wife needs. Plus, these are just ideas to start with. Feel free to continue to shop using the links I’ve given you.
These ideas will hopefully help you to be enlightened with the perfect gift that will helper gain knowledge, save time and money and feel like she has a purpose on the farm.
Because farming can be lonely and frustrating at time. It’s so important that the farmer’s wife feel that she’s helping to make a difference in some way as well. I truly hope that I have given you the gift ideas you need to help make that happen. Happy shopping!
Shop Gifts for the Farmer who has Everything Here
88 Gifts for Rednecks in your LIfe
Friday 27th of October 2017
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