Is race day sneaking up on you and you haven’t even began to train to run 5K races?
Run 5K races in less than 6 weeks! No problem! What?
The truth is, 5K races are only 3.1 miles. This may seem like a long ways to someone who has never ran one before. But really, it’s not far and should take around 30 – 45 minutes for a newly trained runner.
You’ll find out that 5K races are amazing because they are short. There’s not much training or time involved to run 5K races, so you can easily fit it into your busy schedule.
This isn’t a scam. You can truly train for and run 5K races in less than six weeks. I know because I have done this. I’ve been following this training process for 7 years. Not only 5K races but even longer races, too!
This process is a stepping stone approach that allows you to change your mindset and achieve just a little bit at a time. It will allow you to build up your mileage at your own pace and speed. However, it will keep you paced on your goal and focused on the journey.
But first, you have to believe in yourself.
Don’t think you can do it? Well, then. You won’t. Just stop reading now.
Sorry, but you have to change that mindset. You have to believe in yourself. That negative “I Can’t” attitude needs to switch to “I Can”.
If you’re still reading, then you must believe in yourself enough to want to learn more about training to run 5K races in less than 6 weeks. You can’t be worried about what others think. They aren’t running the same race you are. This is your journey, not theirs.
Also, if you think you can’t because you’re not a runner, think again. Anyone can become one and this is a great way to do so. I was not a runner until the age of 24 years. While a busy grad student. I needed something else to challenge me.
I was already challenging my mind with grad school work. But, I needed to challenge my body as well. So I started running because I needed some time away from my studies and a way to clear my head. In doing this, I set the ultimate goal of running a half marathon! I’d never even ran a 5K race before. My mindset was pretty positive at that point.
Along the way, mindset changed from positive/negative/positive. I didn’t have anyone to change that mindset except for me. It was up to me to keep up the journey and reach my ultimate goal. And after mastering one mile at a time, I ran an entire half marathon!
My attitude was my biggest barrier. Here are a surefire way to change your attitude.
The art of telling yourself (out loud) that you can do this particular thing such as run 5K races. It really works.
Because about halfway through your training, you’ll be questioning everything. That negative mindset will be looming over you. Every inch of motivation you had to run 5K races will start to fade away.
Get a hold of yourself! Mantra really works. Here are some ways to own this training:
- Every day, get up and tell yourself you that you will run (how far) today at (specific time).
- Before you start to run, tell yourself out loud that you will finish the length of course designated in your training plan.
- As you’re running (or walking), keep telling yourself you can do it. Or another inspirational quote you find that motivates you will work, too. Just keep saying it to yourself and believe it.
You are your own best critic. And you can train your mind to believe in anything by just telling yourself over and over again. I’m serious. Try it now.
But, your mindset isn’t the only factor to help you train to run 5K races. You need to fuel your body right, too.
You should eat very good while you train. A good rule of thumb is to follow the myPlate approach to planning your meals. A good meal should include:
- Lean Protein
- Veggies
- Grains
- Dairy & Fruit
I love to eat badly every once in a while. Yes, I have my cheat days – we all do. If you must eat a cheat meal, you have to PROMISE yourself you will do better tomorrow and still get your run in. Mantra! It’s so important.
And one more thing – Are you interested in supplements? There are many many choices for cognitive and energy supplements out in the world. Everyone will tell you their’s is the best choice, but honestly, you have to really choose for yourself.
Here’s my supplement of choice. I’ve enjoyed this supplement for the past 5 years, through pregnancies, nursing and long days of work. It has allowed me to continue to train to run 5K races, obstacle races and more! This supplement has never ever let me down.
Have you ever trained a dog or horse to follow an obstacle course? Well, typically, if the animal misses an obstacle then the trainer makes the animal go back and complete the obstacle before moving on. This is the approach to take for training for a 5K.
Each mile is an obstacle to master. We master one obstacle at a time. Half a mile at a time. One mile at a time. And so on.
So, the first couple of days, focus on the first half mile. Run as much as you can but finish it – even if you have to walk. You will eventually finish it if you keep trying.
After you master the first half mile, you’re ready for a full mile. Then, up your mileage a half mile more. And so on.
Note that a mile and a half is only half of a 5K! So, you could be mastering the first half of your race in the first two weeks. Wow, how will you feel when you have mastered half of your race? That should get you motivated to keep moving. Keep up your routine and go for it.
Running Gear
You don’t need fancy running gear to train and run 5K races. But you do need comfortable clothing and very comfortable shoes that fit your feet.
Good running shoes are so important. I can’t stress the importance enough. Your posture and the future of your body depends on good comfortable shoes.
My favorite store to shop for running gear is Dick’s Sporting Goods. But there are a ton of amazing local fitness stores out there in the world that I support as well.
I love good music to keep my mind off the run. Following the beat of a good song just makes running a little bit easier. Kind of like dancing.
You can use an iPod or your phone with music on it. I really love the Pandora app for finding good music. Pandora has a good running music channel that plays awesome fast beat tunes.
Also, you can listen to Podcasts if you’re into that sort of thing. Nevertheless, find something you love to listen to that will keep you motivation for 3.1 miles of constant running.
How far are you running or walking? If you’re out on the road, you may not know. So, you need a way to track your distance so you can stay true to your training program.
There are a couple of ways to do this.
The first is to get the MapMyRun app on your phone. This is a social app that not only tracks runs, but allows you to share with friends.
Second way to track would be to wear a tracker, such as a FitBit. I have a FitBit Charge HR, which tells me how many miles I am running so I know how far to go.
I never run more than I have scheduled for. Because in order to stay with the program, you have to stick with your schedule to find a balance.
Balancing Running With Life
Don’t feel like you have time to run? Nonsense! You can find time to fit it in sometime during the 24 hour period.
I have little ones, so I prefer to run early in the morning before they wake up. If you’re just starting, you should allow only 10-20 minutes. And as you run farther and get faster, you’ll see the time it takes change. Plan for that time somewhere in your day.
If you work and get an hour lunch break, maybe you could go for a quick run. I used to do this and it worked great for me. I simply just brought deodorant and running gear with me.
Night time runs can be beautiful but tricky. If you want to run outdoors, I would suggest taking or wearing some kind of light so that people see you. Be sure to have some form of communication just in case.
In conclusion, there are so many ways to find balance in your life. You can fit in a quick run. Turn that positive mindset on, plan a quick 30 minutes into your schedule and go for it. Because, remember, you have less than six weeks.
Reason for Quick Turnaround
Because it’s been proven time and time again that shorter deadlines work better than longer time to meet those deadlines. Before you even know it, you’ll be well on your way to running 5K races.
So, six weeks or less is perfect. It’s a little longer than a month. If you stick with the program, you will continue to fit in a fun run into your schedule for years to come.
If you plan for a long time before a quick race, you might change your mind. Something might come up that makes you forfeit that goal to run 5K races. If you keep this deadline short but manageable, you won’t get tired. You’ll keep going. You’ll actually start to enjoy running.
And this, in turn, becomes a lifestyle change. It’s a change you can control. So, what’s holding you back, now?
What Will Change?
Have I convinced you? Are you going to start today with that half mile?
If you’re only partially convinced…go out today and walk a half mile course. First of all, put MapMyRun onto your phone and map out the course. It will tell you how far you’ve gone.
Then, build a routine by jogging, running, or walking the course every day until you master it. Once you have mastered the course, add in a little more distance. Another half mile.
Believe me. This method of training really works. It has worked for me for 7 years of running 5K’s, 10K’s and a Half Marathon race! A little at a time goes a long way.
And you will be so surprised at what your body can do. You’ll start to push yourself. Your mind will begin to believe. And not only will you surprise yourself but you will start to wonder how far you can go.
Finally, you will start to make bets with yourself about how far you can go. Your own mind will push you and your body will be ready for the challenge. Now, how does that sound?
Finding Area Races
There are a multitude of ways to find races to run in your local area. Most races are advertised at local gyms. You can also look on online. Google “Races In (Your Area)” and some options should appear.
Also online, you can find local races via social media. Facebook is a great place to find races and also running groups you could join to keep you accountable and make other running friends. Because you are the average of the people you spend the most time with.
Therefore, if you want to become a runner and run 5K races, then you need to spend time with other good runners.
And word of mouth from these other running friends is also a great source for good races to run. So, what are you waiting for? Are you going to start today?
Start Today
If you’re reading this, you’ll need to obtain some comfy clothes and shoes. Put MapMyRun and some good music onto your phone. And just start.
What’s holding you back now? It just takes one foot in front of the other. And a lot of Mantra.
If you complete this stepping stone program to run 5K races in less than 6 weeks, you’ll be very surprised just how much you will accomplish. And how amazing the road to success will be.
~ Much Love ~
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Monday 24th of October 2016
I loved your inspiration. I too believe we win or lose with mindset.Focusing in running distance rather time for training.Till date I have run on the treadmill looking at the timer.Today it will be different